Feb 20, 2025 - 5:17pm

Amazon MGM now has creative control over Bond šŸ˜¬ blot.blog/2025/02/2…

Feb 20, 2025 - 10:25am

Raising a glass of Wild Turkey to Hunter S. Thompson, who died 20 years ago today. The father of Gonzo journalism, he was a rebel, trailblazer, and master of chaos. (1937-2005) šŸ¦‡ blot.blog/2025/02/2…

Feb 16, 2025 - 8:28am

I hate tiny mug handles. elliot.my/262

Feb 14, 2025 - 4:54pm

I’ve written a deep dive into the tech that powers my life. imlefthanded.com/2025/the-…

I like dedicated servers

Iā€™ve had some form of dedicated server on and off for many years.

I get cheap ones (from Hetzner, OVH or OneProvider). Theyā€™re really useful. They have fast connections, powerful CPUā€™s and plenty of storage. And theyā€™re no more difficult to maintain than a VPS.

What do I use mine for?

  • Sharing big files. Especially big ones. I have a ā€˜cold storageā€™ folder on my S3-powered website for files that Iā€™ve shared via email, Twitter, etc. down the years. I never delete those files. But I donā€™t want to pay the AWS storage/bandwidth fees for a 4GB .zip of football player images I once shared on a video game forum. My dedicated server can have those.
  • Backups. I canā€™t backup my entire media library. But the essential files on my Mac are backed up to the server.
  • Website hosting. VPSā€™s are very popular and capable these days. But you canā€™t beat a dedicated server. And once you start spending Ā£30 on a VPS, you can get a lot more bang for your pound by getting dedicated hardware.
  • Video transcoding. The main reason I have my server is to transcode full quality HD and 4K BluRays to more manageable sizes.
  • VPN. I wouldnā€™t say I can ā€˜hideā€™ very well using the server as a VPN, as the IP address never changes and only I use it. But still, it gives me some protection.

Being ill in 1643 must have been awful

Whenever Iā€™m unwell all I can think about is how horribly uncomfortable and boring it must of been to be ill for most of history.

Iā€™m in a nicely warmed home with constant access to drink, food, painkillers, and the excellent TV documentary ā€œThe Vietnam Warā€.

And itā€™s still awful.

But at least I’m not lying on a sagging, bug-filled straw mattress in a drafty London house in 1643, while rats and smoke steadily seep through the warped wooden walls.

At least I have a bathroom a few yards away, instead of a reeking chamber pot thatā€™s overflowing.

At least I have my phone, instead of my only entertainment being church bells and my wife reading me the Bible.

At least I have ibuprofen and codeine, instead of a delightful mixture of dried toad and mercury.

At least Iā€™m taking in plenty of fluids, instead of having bloodletting to ā€˜balance my humorsā€™.

Itā€™s not so bad really.

Jan 31, 2025 - 9:27am

I remember being so excited about the rise of tech. I was sure nerds would create a utopia ā€“ a fair, enlightened future built on logic and code. How naive I was.

My advice: never assume the new rulers will be better than the old ones ā€“ even if theyā€™re ā€™your peopleā€™. Power always corrupts.

Jan 30, 2025 - 11:38pm

30-year-olds buy a cottage in the country and make it their whole personality.

And do you know what? Iā€™d do the exact same thing.

Test post ā€“ please ignore

This is the post summary text that will be displayed by itself on the index page.

Welcome to the Markdown feature showcase! Below, you’ll find examples of all major Markdown elements. Use this to ensure your blog theme supports everything.


H2 Example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nisl sem, ultrices ac diam non, ultrices varius diam. Praesent id volutpat erat, a semper urna. Cras varius, velit a dignissim fringilla, ipsum orci imperdiet tortor, eu eleifend est ligula vel nisi. Suspendisse convallis metus nunc, quis hendrerit justo malesuada non. Proin vulputate tempor justo. Mauris dictum luctus ex, sit amet porttitor sapien commodo non. Donec fringilla lacus eget ipsum fermentum porttitor. Duis iaculis eros sit amet nibh tristique, eget bibendum quam ultricies.

Ut augue nisi, hendrerit non rhoncus sit amet, sodales eu lorem. Nulla dignissim interdum tortor in venenatis. In ultrices enim lectus, egestas tempus erat suscipit sed. Sed consequat molestie faucibus. Vestibulum et egestas purus. Ut blandit quam id rhoncus elementum. Praesent eu facilisis lectus. Morbi quis arcu eget massa vehicula condimentum in a arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent quis rhoncus diam, sed bibendum mauris.

H3 Example

In mollis purus non dolor aliquam, eget maximus massa aliquet. Duis sagittis ante lectus, quis euismod ipsum fringilla ut. Etiam eleifend consectetur auctor. Duis ornare pulvinar nisl, non lacinia turpis iaculis at. Suspendisse potenti. Donec blandit dui eget velit aliquet, et viverra est ullamcorper. Cras eu efficitur neque, non fringilla massa. Suspendisse mi lorem, varius at fermentum nec, hendrerit accumsan massa. Donec urna ligula, porta quis libero a, iaculis fringilla nulla.

H4 Example

This is a fourth-level heading.

H5 Example

This is a fifth-level heading.

Text Styles

Bold Text
Italic Text
Bold and Italic Text

Strikethrough Text

Nested Text: Italic inside Bold

Example: This is still bold and italic


Unordered List

  • Item 1
    • Sub-item 1.1
    • Sub-item 1.2
  • Item 2

Ordered List

  1. First item
  2. Second item
    1. Sub-item 2.1
    2. Sub-item 2.2
  3. Third item


Inline Image:

Alt Text

Reference Image:

Reference Image


This is a blockquote.
It can span multiple lines.

Nested Blockquote Example


Inline Code

Here’s some inline code: const x = 42;


Title text caption text goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel nisl pharetra, vulputate libero vitae, luctus ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque venenatis felis id hendrerit dictum. Nulla facilisi. Praesent vitae libero convallis erat interdum faucibus. Nunc volutpat velit sed lorem mattis fringilla. Ut id vehicula magna. Nunc consectetur dui ac ante eleifend, nec pulvinar sem iaculis. Donec efficitur congue volutpat.

Sed sollicitudin auctor cursus. Sidenote text goes here. Pellentesque dignissim volutpat arcu, This is sidenote text that’s very near to another sidenote. quis suscipit quam congue tempus. Maecenas id cursus tellus, a consequat dui. Nunc vehicula gravida massa sit amet facilisis. Phasellus a magna et nisl bibendum rutrum ut sit amet ligula. Aenean id nunc vulputate, blandit est ut, sodales augue. Nam sed pharetra urna, eget pretium justo.

Here is the start of a section that is using the newthought shortcode. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris posuere, ante quis dignissim Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel nisl pharetra, vulputate libero vitae, luctus ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque venenatis felis id hendrerit dictum. Nulla facilisi. Praesent vitae libero convallis erat interdum faucibus. Nunc volutpat velit sed lorem mattis fringilla. Ut id vehicula magna. Nunc consectetur dui ac ante eleifend, nec pulvinar sem iaculis. Donec efficitur congue volutpat. dictum, quam nibh placerat orci, nec dictum orci velit ac turpis. Aliquam fermentum porttitor dictum. Fusce quis tellus urna.

description Title text caption text goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel nisl pharetra, vulputate libero vitae, luctus ipsum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque venenatis felis id hendrerit dictum. Nulla facilisi. Praesent vitae libero convallis erat interdum faucibus. Nunc volutpat velit sed lorem mattis fringilla. Ut id vehicula magna. Nunc consectetur dui ac ante eleifend, nec pulvinar sem iaculis. Donec efficitur congue volutpat.

Quisque ut finibus elit, ac accumsan lectus. Integer eget vehicula nunc, eget sollicitudin lacus. Quisque sodales vehicula eros. Vestibulum neque nunc, auctor vel enim a, volutpat blandit eros. Suspendisse potenti. Cras vel sodales leo. Fusce in condimentum tellus. Aliquam ultrices felis id est condimentum, quis sollicitudin mauris lobortis. Praesent vehicula quis eros id molestie. Vestibulum condimentum, orci in malesuada scelerisque, lectus nulla molestie nisi, non auctor augue felis mollis lorem. Integer eu arcu dapibus, hendrerit ligula sed, aliquet massa. Sed gravida ac nunc ut molestie. Praesent eu orci nec nisi dictum consectetur. Quisque urna est, commodo at lectus non, semper posuere sapien. Duis in cursus lacus.

Title text caption text goes here


Praesent posuere mauris nec nibh ullamcorper placerat. Maecenas quis finibus magna, vitae tristique sem. Nulla nibh odio, dignissim sit amet fringilla vel, tincidunt eget erat. Sed id porta tellus. Nam sollicitudin porttitor volutpat. Cras elementum ullamcorper magna viverra varius. Praesent sed tempus nisl. Sed tristique dolor ut placerat malesuada.

Donec maximus nunc vitae tellus congue hendrerit. Integer vel faucibus erat. Sed eget malesuada urna. Suspendisse accumsan massa vel lacus tincidunt, in consequat risus pretium. Pellentesque id vulputate ex, eu pharetra purus. Pellentesque sed placerat urna. Quisque eu consectetur libero, in tristique odio. Nam molestie lorem vel lacus tincidunt efficitur. Proin lorem elit, pulvinar vehicula interdum a, varius quis lorem. Mauris et turpis et odio rhoncus posuere eget ut diam. Duis vestibulum sit amet ante nec facilisis.

Nulla est nisi, dictum volutpat suscipit sed, scelerisque vitae ipsum. Maecenas ultricies finibus nunc at ultricies. Nullam vitae turpis congue nunc convallis sodales. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam dignissim pretium lacus, tempus lacinia neque finibus sed. Donec at leo libero. Vestibulum fringilla eleifend tortor cursus venenatis. Phasellus facilisis, est eget efficitur dictum, tortor odio interdum ipsum, sed hendrerit tortor orci in eros. Morbi id mi et quam porta condimentum eget in enim. Pellentesque quis tempor neque. Pellentesque commodo urna in consectetur efficitur. Pellentesque facilisis dapibus neque.

Poetry H1

Now is the time
for all good men
to come to the aid of the party

Garth Hudson has died

My favourite recorded concert of all time is The Last Waltz (video / album) by The Band. Recorded in 1976, it was their farewell concert.

It may have been their farewell concert, but the Band were still looking young. Well, aside from Garth Hudson. He looked a decade or two older than the rest.

So if you would have told me when I was younger that the elderly-looking Hudson would outlive the rest of the band I never would have believed you. But he did. He died last week, aged 87.

A multi-talented musician, he worked with Bob Dylan, Elton John, Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, Leonard Cohen, Norah Jones, Ringo Starrr, John Hiatt, Neil Diamond, Emmylou Harris, Dr. John, Roger Water, Ronnie Hawkins, Tom Petty, Jackson Browne, Elvis Costello, James Taylor, Traffic, Paul Butterfield and others.

As a fan of the Band it’s a sad day, for they are all now gone.

With his death I checked out an old Band Tumblr blog I followed. I was happy to see they’re still posting. They’ve posted about Hudson’s death.

Jan 10, 2025 - 3:33pm

In 1700’s London, if you received charity from your local parish you were supposed to wear a badge on your right sleeve with the initial of the parish. This was bitterly resented, as you might expect. #DrJohnsonsLondon #BookNotes

Jan 10, 2025 - 10:00am

In one of his sermons from the 900s, Ɔlfric of Eynsham warns against over-eating and excess drinking at Christmas. Nothing changes, does it? #BookNotes #WintersInTheWorld

Nov 25, 2024 - 7:54am

50 years ago today Nick Drake died.

All three of his albums are melancholic. masterpieces. If this is the first youā€™re hearing of him, check him out immediately.

Oct 24, 2024 - 9:43pm

I rarely think about how Iā€™m lucky to live in a warm house with running water, have access to the internet, the freedom of a car, or that Iā€™ve outlived plenty of my ancestors. I barely notice any of it ā€“ to my shame.

But nearly every time I have that first sip of Fanta Orange or bite of a burger I am immediately delighted, gleeful and thankful.

As Iā€™ve gotten older less and less excites me. Life simply felt sweeter at 16. But at least a Sprite still tastes just as sweet.

Oct 23, 2024 - 1:25pm

AI has officially arrived. My Mum has sent me a AI-generated video on Instagram.

Oct 23, 2024 - 9:36am

I’ve written about Andrew Roberts' diary routine. blot.blog/2024/10/2…

Oct 19, 2024 - 10:02am

Morning all šŸ‚

UK-folk, don’t forget to get yourself into some woods in the next few weeks ā€” the leaves are looking gorgeous. They’re even managing to give some autumnal life and deep colours to this drab industrial estate.

My Saturday:

  • šŸ“– Read
  • šŸŖ‘ Ikea
  • šŸ„¾ Walk
  • šŸæ Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Oct 16, 2024 - 6:43am

I envy people who can be productive in a coffee shop or office. My ideal working condition is a a dark, windowless pit devoid of light and people.

"Cheating alleged after menā€™s world conker champion found with steel chestnut"

The GuardianĀ° The winner, 82-year-old David “King Conker” Jakins that he used a steel conker to win.

This is his first time winning the competition, after 47 years of trying (since 1977).

To be honest, after 47 years I’d be tempted to cheat to win too.

The chap who lost in the menā€™s final against “King Conker”, said:

ā€œMy conker disintegrated in one hit, and that just doesnā€™t happen ā€¦ Iā€™m suspicious of foul play and have expressed my surprise to organisers.ā€

I love stories like this. And I’m pleased and surprised to see it get attention from both Hacker News and Sky News (video).

Oct 13, 2024 - 9:58pm

Iā€™m getting old. Not because I turned 33 yesterday. But because ā€˜late nightsā€™ are now defined as going to bed late enough to miss the start of BBC Radio 3ā€™s ā€œNight Tracksā€ at 10pm whilst I drift off to sleep.