This is a test post

Jun 7, 2024

This is a H2

I love discovering a wonderful new homepage or blog. Especially on the weekend when I have time to gently sip away at its content. This time it’s Arun and their website

This is a H3

One of the biggest changes in my personality with middle age is that I no longer really enjoy travel beyond local weekend getaways. Almost no destination has a pain/novelty ratio that makes it worth it… Even though travel has gotten way more convenient overall (smartphones, eSIM cards, cashless payments, Uber, Google Translate — though at the expense of phone-loss anxiety), my tolerance for discomfort has plummeted. I don’t like shitty hotels/hostels, awkward couchsurfing, wrangling luggage, driving unfamiliar cars, figuring out transit systems… I especially don’t like wading through lots of options figuring out food options. The net effect is that I’ve gradually gone sessile.

Ordered list:

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item
  4. Fourth item

Unordered list:

this is some code. could be anything. SQL or JavaScript perhaps

Here’s a sentence with a footnote. 1

The world is flat.

I need to highlight these ==very important words==.

  1. This is the footnote. ↩︎